Welcome to sliders.net FAQ! Here you will find answers to questions that I've been asked over the years. If you don't see the question you want to ask, then drop me a line at faq at sliders dot net!

Q: Are new episodes of Sliders ever going to show up?
A: No. Sliders has ceased production and no new episodes are planned.

Q: Are repeats being shown on the Sci-Fi channel in the U.S.?
A: Check the Sci-Fi program schedule at scifi.com for more information.

Q: What happened to the character of Wade Wells?
A: The character of Wade Wells was kidnapped by the Cro-mags between seasons 3 and 4 after she and Rembrandt made it back to Earth Prime. Rumors are that the actress who played her and the actress who played the character of Maggie Beckett didn't get along.

Q: Speaking of Cro-Mags, why do you spell it that way when it's shown as Kromaggs?
A: I spell it how Tracy Tormé spelled it in an interview he did. He originally envisioned the cro-mags to be decendents of the cro-magnum man.

Q: What happened to the Professor?
A: Professor Maximilian Arturo was killed by Colonel Rickman (Guest Star Roger Daltrey) after the Professor confronted him on his stealing of brain tissue from those under his command. John Rhys-Davies who played Arturo was unhappy with the downward direction of the show and was fired or asked to be let out of his contract, depending on which rumor you hear.

Q: What happened to Quinn and Colin?
A: Quinn and Colin were "melded" in a freak accident within the wormhole at the beginning of the 5th season, in an episode entitled "The Unstuck Man", and they formed the character of Mallory. Mallory has the memories of both Quinn and Charlie. The scuttlebutt is that Jerry O'Connell wanted Executive Producer status on the show and the powers that be balked. He ended up leaving the show and without him, there wasn't much of a reason for the producers to keep his brother Charlie.

Q: Is Sliders available on video/DVD?
A: YES! In region one (U.S. and Canada) the first three seasons are currently available and the fourth season will be released on March 25, 2008. Click the links at the left to order them from Amazon.com. If you live outside of region one, you'll either need a multi-region DVD player or contact your local DVD shop to see if they are available in your region.

Q: Q: Can you tell me how to contact an actor from the series?
A: No, unfortunately I can't. Your best bet is to find out who represents the actor and write to them care of their agent.

Q: Are you in any way connected with the series?
A: Unfortunately no. I just run a fan site for a show I enjoy.